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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Helping you to learn English

WE ARE CHANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to today's way of life., and we can learn something from it. Anyhow, hereunder are some links to my sites, where you can learn something else. 

          Learning English for beginners.  

 Anyhow, in this photo above we missed the letter o. Anyhow, we are showing you the order of the English alphabet and the sound the 26 letters make, if you read them according to the explanation that we are writing in this article. At the bottom is the order of how the letters are set in most computers' keyboards.  


Welcome to our article, English Learning, and How This Article Can Help. 

If you are learning English as a second language, this blog can help you understand a few things that usually are not explained in textbooks. 

Anyhow, dear readers, today I am writing an article outside my usual interest, because I have seen some people struggle when they learn English, so, I want to tell them what I know. Then, I will go back writing the usual articles.  

Anyhow, I must say that English is very important to know today, because we could say that is becoming the universal language of the world, so, most people would like to learn English, but it is not easy to learn, because words are written one way, but when we say them they sound completely different; let us talk about number 1 for instance, we write one but we say (uan or wan) and there are many other words that follow the same pattern. However, there are ways that we can help, with some explanations of our own, written hereunder.

Anyhow, this article has been written from a person that has learned English as his second language. It has been written to help those people that want to learn English as a second language like I did. I must say that English is not easy to learn, because the sound of the word is not easy to write down, therefore, sometimes you might be able to understand what is written, but it is almost impossible to pronounce them, you must learn that from people that speak English well. Anyhow, I believe that today it is a lot easier to learn English, since there are lots of articles that you can listen to on the internet.

Anyhow, here we will be writing a few things that we hope can help. So, here I will be writing what I found hard to understand. The hardest part to learn English is that it is not phonetic, so, what is written, is not exactly possible to pronounce it right, one must learn the sounds of the words from other English-speaking people. However, there are a few things that can help, if you try hard enough to understand what I am going to show you hereunder, because what I am explaining here, not only will help non-English speaking people, but it can help even children that speak English, when they must learn how to read and write English.

To read and write we need an alphabet and in different languages can be a bit different, but hereunder we are talking about the English alphabet.



Now, the English alphabet has 26 letters. In "alphabetical order", they are:

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Five of the letters are "vowels": a e i o u

The remaining twenty-one letters are "consonants".

We can write each letter as a "large letter" (capital) or "small letter".

Anyhow, each letter of the alphabet has a sound of their own, which when written down may keep their sound value or may even change. Now the greatest change happens with the vowels because most of them have got two vowel sound in them, and not only that they change so many times that the only way to learn English is to learn English word by word.

Now, let us start with an explanation, how the letters of the alphabet should sound, by writing the vowel sound first and then the entire alphabet.

So, let us look at the 5 vowels sound, because they change a lot according to their word position. To do that we need to give a single sound to each vowel, and to understand that sound you should follow this explanation.

If we use a phonetic alphabet where the vowels sound is like the following and do not change, then the letters sound is:

A, =as the beginning of are, art, article etc.

E, =as the beginning of entry, exit etc.

I, =as the beginning of is, in, inside etc.

O, =as in the words stop, most, frost, not, lot etc.

U, =as in the words put, June, July, you etc. 


If we use this vowel sound value we have written above, then,

 in the English alphabet the sounds of the vowels would be,

A=ei, E=i, I=ai, O=ou, U=iu.     

Having done that, now we can follow with the sound of the letters of the entire alphabet. We will write the alphabet in large capital letters, and below them we will write the sound that we call them in English, according to the explanation we have written above. Here we need to say that also some consonants change their sound, but it is not possible to explain that here easily, and it is easier to learn that when you learn the sounds of the entire word. Anyhow, hereunder is the alphabet.



Letters and sound of the English alphabet.

  A  B   C   D   E  F  G 

    Ei           bi             si             di              i            ef             gi

H   I  J   K   L   M   N 

Eich        ai        gei          kei             el           em             en

O  P  Q   R   S  T   U 

Ou          Pi            kiu           ar            es            ti             iu

V   W   X   Y   Z

Vi        double w             eks         uai      zi, zed.


Now, what we have written above is the order and sounds of the English alphabet, and if you want to use a dictionary, that is the way to find the words you want to check. But today when we use the computer keyboard, the letters are set in a different order, one of which is the following. 

The computer keyboards is set in a different order.

Q  W  E  R  T  Y  U  I  O  P   A  S  D  F  G  H  J  K  L      Z  X  C  V  B  N  M


We hope that we have written something useful, and it will help somebody to learn English. This is all I can say in this article. See you next time, with a different article, back the usual issues. 

To see more click on this link, English Learning, and How This Article Can Help.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Rafael at my place

WE ARE GOING TO CALL THIS BLOG, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, to compare how things are changing. ANYHOW, THIS ONE OF MY BLOGS, POSTED AS MARIO LAWS BLOG. 

Photos of Rafael at my place, in March 2024. 

This photo is at the garage entrance under my house.

Another photo taken the same day. Now Rafael is seven years old, and he is full of energy, he never wants to stop. This is good, but it can be a bit too much when he goes to school.   

Another photo of Rafael in early June 2024. He is full of life and that is good. 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Rafael and today way of life

WE ARE CHANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, to compare. THIS IS MARIO LAWS BLOG. 

Here are some photos, I will comment later. If I remember. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Our life learning need to be passed on

WE ARE CHANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to today's way of life., and we can learn something from it. Anyhow, hereunder are some links to my sites, where you can learn something else. 

 http://frankmenchise.comhttp://diybrickwork.com,   http://manneedsgod.co.ukgodnewworldorder.com,

We know that it is not easy to learn from other people experiences, but if the people involved tell you about their experiences, in a detailed way, and you pay attention to the details, it can be done. However, whatever you can learn from a story is worth learning, as it can help you later in life. Even an old man like me, or an old man like the one below can teach your something about life, using our life experiences that we went through. And this is what we are trying to do here.   

As we have said at the beginning of this article, our duty as human beings are that we must pass on what we have learned from life, for the betterment of future generations. So, I must start thinking what I can do to contribute to it; in order to achieve our goal and do our own duty and contribute our share, so that, we can improve what we have received from life and what we have learned during our own life, I believe that we need to make a record of our lives experience, and then, we must try to see which way they can be used better.

In my case I believe that the best way to achieve that, is that I can write my own life story, in my life story, I am going to say what the previous generation have taught me, and then, what I have learned myself during my life, and thus, by writing my life story I am passing on my knowledge for the benefit of future generations. You see, this is just another reason for writing an old man life story, and publish it in the Internet. So, I need to write most of my life observation down and other life experiences, in such a way that they can be understood and make sense to whosoever reads them.

In my life story, I know that some of my life happenings and observation, may seem strange, so, I am warning my readers not to give too much weight to those observation, if they don’t agree with them or they don’t understand them fully; you see, every one of us is different, so, we perceive things in a different way.

Anyhow, if I must do my duty, to improve what I have received from life, I am going to tell you my own life experiences, even if they are going to be boring and seem strange at times, as I am sure that they are going to seem strange, so much so that one would think that they may be like a metamorphose. But because a man has got to do what a man has got to do, I am doing it anyhow; so, may God help me achieve that!

Anyhow, I will continue to tell my life story in my next article called, A man life story, or journey, because I need to give every article a new name. See you soon in my next article of my life story.



Saturday, October 17, 2020

Rafael visiting dreamworld

WE ARE CHANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to today's way of life. 

I believe that Rafael enjoys all this stuff. so, let us see some of the photos taken at Dreamworld 

This is Rafael life these days. He does not know how lucky he is. 
Anyhow, I may come back to edit this blog. See you soon. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

The duty of any human being

WE ARE CHANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to today's way of life. 
Some links to my sites:
 http://frankmenchise.comhttp://diybrickwork.com,   http://manneedsgod.co.ukgodnewworldorder.com,

This blog is part of 

An old man life story 

Anyhow, life means different things to different people, so, hereunder I am writing some of my views and what I believe we should do during our lives. 

The Duty of any human being

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The duty of any man, or human being can be divided in two folds; one of this duty is an idealistic duty about what a man should do for the betterment of humanity; the other duty is how a human being or man should behave during his life, in order to be viewed and thought to be of good character and everything else, which enhances the quality of life itself; because these two things is what distinguishes us from the animals’ world, and also from those do no good humans that want to rip off the rest of the human society for themselves.

Having said that, now let us start to talk about, that idealistic duty that a man is supposed to do during his life, since we believe that it would be good for humanity, as the aim is to do something for the betterment of all humanity.

Therefore, let us start from the beginning of our lives, and use our own lives observations to decide what is the duty of any human being; we have reasons to believe that when a man (or woman) is born, they receive their gift of life from God and/or Mother Nature or whatever one believes there is that makes life possible on earth. Of course, all this is achieved through and from their parents, who are guided from their natural instinct to do what they have to do to bring on a new life, as we know this is the only way for life to reproduce itself and continue indefinitely.
Now, for life to evolve and become better, it is important that we all do our best, so, we should be careful what we do during our lives; therefore, this gift of life that we have received from God, Mother Nature or whatever we believe our lives come from, we have to be careful with it and we should endeavour to guard our own lives dearly, with all our inner will and physical strength, because our lives is a very special gift that we have received from God, if we believe in God, or from Mather Nature or whatever one believes in.

You see, there are reasons to believe that every one of us have our own ways of seeing this gift of life in different ways, but for those who believe in God have an extra special meaning, since God is the life giver of all existing life on earth. Therefore, the life duty of a man even in the eyes of God, is that a man must try to live his own life well, or at least as good as his parents have done before him, and if he can, he must try to improve the standard of life he has received. Now if there are any improvement that he has made during his life, they should be passed onto his children, so, the next coming generation that will come through him and from him will have a better standard of life that he has had during his life, since he has been able to improve that standard of life that he has received himself. So, let any good man come forward and say what improvements he can contribute to humanity.

Now that I have described what I think the life duty of any man should be, and of course believing every word that I have said, there is no way that I can avoid doing my duty for the improvement of future generations. Of course, by doing my duty as we have said, not only I have achieved something good for the community, therefore, I would feel that my life has been worthwhile living, because I have done something worthwhile during my life; otherwise, I would feel that life has passed me by and I have not done anything important, or contributed anything at all for the improvement of the future generations. So, I believe that our life learning must be passed on for the betterment of all humanity. Now let me explain what I believe our other human duty is.


The other human duty to society

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We have written above an idealistic duty of any human being, but there is another duty that everybody should follow and everybody must know what it is, because it is very simple; “do not do to others, what you would hate if anybody does it to you”. Anyhow, here we want to become more personal and talk about ourselves, as we live our lives presently.

We human beings that pride ourselves to be at the top of all living being on earth, we should ask ourselves what is our duty during our lives, in order to do the right things and be proud of ourselves, just because we have done what is right; we believe that on earth we are like gods’ and can do anything we like, so, we are able to dominate all other living species, but what about our own specie; are we doing the right thing to other fellow man one may ask?

The answer to that question is hard to explain, because there are many wrong things that we still do in this world. You see, we would like to behave like gods’, but really to be like god, we need to behave like God, and do certain duties that is worth of being called a good and benevolent god; but that is a hard thing to do. Anyhow, we don’t claim to be gods, because we believe that there is a spiritual God that is very powerful and is the master of heaven and earth, so, we can never claim to be that powerful, at least we understand that; for this reason we give up the idea of being gods; but let us see what our duty would be, if we want to be at the top of every living thing and feel that we have done our duty as well.

We believe that for mankind to stay at the top of everything and work in a positive way, a man should do his duty willingly; we believe that a man has got to do what a man has got to do, because this would be his life duty, anything that is detrimental to the rest of humanity and the living species must be avoided.

You see, we have this inborn wish within us that we would like to be seen as great people, or at least better than the average man that is beside us, when we do our duty willingly; so, let us talk about and see what our duty is, if we want to be seen and counted as a good and honest man, from the rest of the world community.

As we have said at the beginning, the duty of any man is two folds; the first duty is that a man has got to live his life honestly; by this we mean that he has got to try to live his life in a way that he is able to earn his own living, he should work at whatever work he is able to do during his life, and he should not try to steal anybody money or belongings, he should pay his bills and his rent in time and be always punctual with his payment and his work duty. All these things might seem hard to achieve; but what we have said is easy to achieve if you live a normal life and try to do it honestly.

This is our first duty to our community. The other idealistic duty that any of us can be called to fulfill, we have talked about at the beginning of this article. So, now let us go back to explain why our life learning should be passed on. We will write about this in our next post. See you soon. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Rafael at dream world, photos

WE ARE CHANGING THIS BLOG NAME, WE ARE GOING TO CALL IT, BABY RAFAEL STORY. While we are posting Baby Rafael story, we will also post some grandpa life story, because even an old-man life story could be compared to today's way of life. 

In October 2020 Rafael was in Dream Wold. Hereunder are some photo that his mum took 

Anyhow these are the photos that I have been able to upload, but there are more.