Mother Nature Challenge 2

This is the way which mother earth may look one day?
These are today’s problems?
Can we make it work better?
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Mother Nature Challenge 2
This post is being called Mother Nature Challenge 2, because I would like to go back to basic idea and the reason why I started this blog called Mother Nature Challenge; as you can see from the name and content of my previous posts there is a challenge for all humanity, so, I would like to see all those people that are able to contribute to take part in this challenge that we face these days, in the hope that one day we will be able to solve it to our advantage, and humanity will survive and thrive.
Therefore, here I am trying to express my own personal concern and views of this enormous problem that humanity as a whole is facing today, we can see that almost every day there is something in the news related to global warming and other related articles, such as:
Temperature increase;
Melting of polar ice caps;
Rising sea level;
Islands close to sea level will disappear below the sea if global warming is not reversed;
Violent storms that may get only worse as the temperature rises;
Australian Barrier reef dying due to rise in sea temperature;
And many other related articles all linked to global warming.
But there is still hope that we may overcome all these drawbacks, if those people that are able to do something about it start thinking what can be done?
For instance last month I had a pleasant surprise, I found this email, it was from very serious people and I would like the world to know that there are people that care about our environment, so there is hope that humanity may still survive for a long time, if we listen to those who care and invest their time for the benefit of mankind; and of course at the same time those people have to look after their own interest and how to earn a living, but the success of everything depends on planning how to deal with the present problems? So, let us just have a look at the email I received? Their link is hereunder.
To see what they purpose, see: Mitic CLIMATE ENGINEERING
Now you can see what I mean about hope; but having said that there is hope is not enough, because we really need facts that something is being done, or at least plans that something can be done to minimise global warming. So, here I would like to suggest a few more things that can be done.
But before I do that I would like to tell you that here we are looking at very unusual serious problems and unusual problems may need unusual solutions, therefore we may need to look at employing something that has never been used before, therefore there are no limits, so, let our human imagination run wild and suggest what can be done to solve these problems, which global warming is bringing us.
Overall the main problem seems to be: Temperature increase, melting of polar ice cap and other glaciers, which will run into the sea and raise the sea levels.
What can we do about this?
Is there a way to minimise this sea level change?
For sure humanity needs to do anything possible to minimise any damage that will be caused from this sea level change. So, let me dream an impossible dream, which in the end may even be possible.
This suggestion below is only an example of the many possible things that we may be able to do:
Has anyone ever thought to look at ways about how to use unproductive lands which are below sea level? Or perhaps even productive lands, if the benefits outweigh the loss.
I know for a fact that the Dead Sea in the Middle East is 423 m below sea level and increasing as its waters evaporate. So, at least by my imagination if a tunnel is constructed in such a way that waters from the Mediterranean Sea can flow into the Dead Sea, then the Dead Sea will not run dry and indeed it might help in reducing a tiny bit the world sea level.
I know that this is the only place on earth that humanity may not be able to strike an agreement, because those people who own this place are always at war and do not trust each others. (The only reason that I have chosen this place is because it is the largest and most known place on earth, which is below sea level)
But who knows? In fact, this may well be the will of God that by bringing this new project to them, they could be able to find peace and common ground at last?
As I said this example above is only an example and there are many other places on earth that this can be applied. But I think that I have said enough in this post to make any serious visitor to start thinking for a solution to this global warming problem.
Next time I may come up with some suggestions about what can we do here in Australia to help planet earth overcome global warming?
Mother Nature Challenge
Mother Nature Challenge 2
Next time with another thread.
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