Welcome to our blog of, mother Nature warning
and this post, Mother Nature reconciliation
This photo shows us the way of how it works, well it is not easy to understand it at first sight, so we are going to describe it better as soon as we have time.
We must love Mother Nature because we are part of her, if we did not love her then we would not be able to love ourselves, because Mother Nature is every living thing, and this includes us most of all.
Help Planet Earth
If we care about our-self and the coming generations we need do something positive to help this harmful situation, don't you agree?
Global warming is the name that should make us think hard what we are doing to this planet, we need to pay more attention to everything that harms the natural environment.
You might say that something is being done already, since there will be a meeting of world leaders soon: but I would like to see more interest from the people themselves, after all democratic leaders have to follow the people to get voted in.
So, here is the chance to express your views on this subject, please use it?
We hope that we have started a blog, which should be able to interest all the people on this planet earth. So maybe this is the right way to go, I am very interested about this subject, so, I am going to follow it closely and post many posts, as it is very important for the whole world to take part in discussions about the changes that are happening to our environment. So, let us hope that someone is interested to discuss these issues openly, or at least read about them, so that we may have a feedback from the public. Anyhow we just have to wait and see what happens?
As we have said at the beginning, we must love Mother Nature because we are part of her, if we did not love her then we would not be able to love ourselves, because Mother Nature is every living thing on this planet earth, and this includes us most of all.
But we should never forget to Help Planet Earth
Nowadays, we the people of this earth are taking great risks, we are doing so many things that are harming Mother Nature, so, if we are not careful we will soon pay dearly, because we are damaging many things whereby mother nature could have been able to make good again the damage we have done.
If we care about our-self and the coming generations we need do something positive to help this harmful situation, don't you agree?
Global warming is the name that should make us think hard what we are doing to this planet, we need to pay more attention to everything that harms the natural environment.
You might say that something is being done, since there will be a meeting of world leaders soon: but I would like to see more interest from the people themselves, after all democratic leaders have to follow the people to get voted in.
After this old meeting of years ago;
• Lenore Taylor, Copenhagen
• From: The Australian
• December 09, 2009 7:45AM
UNDERLYING tensions between rich and poor nations at the Copenhagen climate negotiations have boiled to the surface with the leaking of a "secret" draft agreement prepared by the Danish host government and a select "circle of commitment" including Kevin Rudd.
The leaked document rocked the United Nations conference as it settled down to its first full day of talks, with developing countries expressing outrage at its contents, and at the fact that it had been developed behind closed doors by the so-called “friends” of the Danish conference chair, Mr Rudd, UN secretary Ban Ki Moon and leaders from other countries including the UK, Sweden, Mexico.
The Danish Government protested that there was no “secret draft for a new Copenhagen Agreement” but rather “many working papers used for testing various positions”.
Privately negotiators were furious that developing nations had resorted to such a “hostile act” because they were nervous about possible outcomes in a final climate deal.
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But despite the hosts' attempts to hose down the leak, it has ignited tensions that were not expected to spark until the top-level leaders segment of the talks next week.
Despite all the controversy, the draft “Copenhagen Agreement” contains many elements of a strong political deal, although it leaves blank critical emission reduction commitments and the amounts to be paid into new funding for developing countries for final determination.
This is only part of the report.
As we all can see from this it is not going to be an easy task for the world leaders. We can only hope that before the meeting ends they agree on something useful, which could help achieve at least part of the problem?