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Climate change Australia
Here we are looking again what to do to help planet earth?
This report I found on the Internet.
Concerns of the 21st Century.
Top Ten Environmental Concerns of the 21st Century
I have found this information on the Internet in Hub Pages, so if you would like to read it in full you need to go to hub pages and find author (kerryg) You see, what I am writing in this post is only a small part of his hub just to give you an idea of what he is talking about.
What are the top ten environmental problems facing the world today?
A recent scientific paper published in Nature attempted to answer this question, with a twist. The Earth has spent roughly the last 12,000 years in a period of unusual climate stability known as the Holocene era. To put this era in perspective, all major human civilizations have existed since the beginning of the Holocene. In fact, humans have only practiced agriculture for roughly the last 10,000 years. This all-important development, which allowed civilizations from the ancient Sumerians to our own to thrive, was made possible by the stable climate of the Holocene
Unfortunately, this stable, pleasant period is currently coming to an end, and there is strong reason to believe that this is not the result of a change in the natural cycles of the Earth, but rather that the change is caused by human activity.
The authors of Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity, attempted to identify the most serious environmental threats the human race currently faces, and identify the potential "tipping points" beyond which the pleasant Holocene era would disappear and the Earth's natural resources would be seriously depleted.
The ten most serious environmental problems they identified were:
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• Ozone Science
10. The Stratospheric Ozone Layer
The ozone layer filters out the most harmful wavelengths of UVB ultraviolet radiation from the sun before it reaches the earth's surface. A depleted ozone layer would mean increased rates of skin cancer for humans, as well as damage to plants and ecosystems. Ozone depletion received a lot of attention in the 1970's and 80's when scientists discovered a giant and growing "hole" in the ozone layer above Antarctica.
Fortunately, the scientists were able to convince the world community to act quickly to limit the production of ozone depleting substances such as CFCs and halons and the problem of ozone depletion today seems to be on the path to successful resolution, though due to the long lifetime of ozone depleting compounds the Antarctic ozone "hole" is not expected to recover completely until 2050 and the overall levels of ozone in the atmosphere will recover to pre-1980 levels only about 2060-2075.
The goal for the future will be to maintain the progress we have already made on this issue.
9. Land Use Changes
The authors of Planetary Boundaries chose Land Use Changes as one of their top environmental concerns, which I felt was a slightly redundant choice, because changes in land use, for the most part, have the same negative effects as several of their other choices. For example, loss of wildlife habitat leads to loss of biodiversity. Depending on what the habitat is replaced with, the change can also lead to air or water pollution from factories and farm fields, depleted groundwater reserves due to impervious surfaces such as city roads, and carbon emissions from almost any human activity you could name.
Land Use Changes are also particularly difficult to define a "tipping point" for because their effects vary so significantly, so that in fact the exact environmental impact of one land use change is different from the impact of every other land use change ever made.
I feel a less redundant and easier to measure choice might have been soil depletion due to erosion, desertification, and unsound agricultural practices, among other factors.
There is a lot more to learn if you can find the hub.
Mother Nature Challenge
Concerns of the 21st century
Next time with another thread.